With our property tracking, you as the owner can enjoy a unique service. Log in with your owner data and track the estate agent book entries for your property. You can see at a glance how far the sale has progressed and what activities have already been carried out.

As the owner, you will receive the log in data directly from us. If you have any questions, please contact us.


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Naročite se na naše novice

Registrirajte se brezplačno in ostanite v teku novosti

Strinjam se s politiko varovanja osebnih podatkov. *

Z oddajo obrazca se strinjate, da se vaši osebni podatki uporabijo za namene pošiljanja e-novic. Vaši podatki bodo uporabljeni samo za pošiljanje novic in nikoli ne bodo posredovani tretjim osebam. Svoje soglasje lahko kadar koli prekličete.

Najlepše hvala!

Vaša prijava na naše novice je bila uspešna.